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Caring For Plants

Essential Tips

  1. All plants need sunlight. However, for most plants, indirect sunlight is usually best.
  2. Make sure plants are watered when required, never over water.
  3. Most houseplants prefer a temperature between 18-21 degrees C. Keep plants away from draughts and extreme temperatures (e.g near a heat source) to last as long as possible.
  4. Use cotton wool and water to gently remove dust from leaves.
  5. Pinch off any dying flowers.
  6. Remove any damaged or dying leaves to prevent disease settling in Bromeliads.


Bromeliads come in a wide range of colour and form. They are as much admired for their vibrant foliage as well as their flowers.

  • They prefer medium, indirect sunlight.
  • Bromeliads like humid environments so would benefit from occasional misting with water.
  • Like all plants, do not over water and ensure the roots are not submerged as this can cause rotting.
  • If you find the central ‘cup’ fills with water. It would benefit the plant and your home if this was emptied regularly, as the stagnant water can attract insects in the warmer months.
  • Most bromeliads only flower once. If small ‘pups’ are produced around the base of the plant, these can gently be removed and potted.


Orchids are an excellent alternative to the gift of fresh flowers. They also come in a wide range of colour and size and will elevate the most stylish interior.

  • They prefer medium, indirect sunlight.
  • Orchids prefer humid environments as their aerial roots collect moisture from the air. A regular misting would benefit your plant.
  • Orchids prefer rainwater for both misting and watering as they are not very tolerant of chemicals such as chlorine.
  • Do not over water and ensure the roots are not submerged.
  • Do not trim the roots. They are aerial and essential to the plant for the collection of moisture and nutrients from the environment.

Lily Plants

Lily plants bring joy and fragrance to a home, with good care they can be enjoyed for many years to come!

  • Place your plant in a cool location away from direct heat sources.
  • Water your plant every couple of days and check the soil for dryness or to determine how much water you will need.
  • Pinch the pollen sacs off your lilies so they don’t make a mess. Faded flowers should also be removed.
  • Keep away from pets.
  • After your potted lily has bloomed and if the weather is right, you can move it to an outdoor location. Choose a sunny location and dig the hole a bit larger than the pot.

Sansevierias (Snake Plant).

Sansevieria also known as the snake plant has many qualities. It purifies the air releasing oxygen and absorbs toxins in your home.

  • Allow soil to dry between watering and take extra special care not to over water in winter.
  • Try to avoid getting leaves wet when you water.
  • Place your plant in indirect light (although they are tolerant of a variety of light conditions) and fertilize during the growing season with an all-purpose plant food.

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